VaMEx-AE has received new optical sensors

The newest member among our the optical sensors weighs in at a total of 100 grams, and it didn’t come alone! Together with the somewhat larger lens, the camera system from Basler weighs a total of 330 grams. As one or the other experienced reader might have guessed, this system will be used for mapping the exploration area.

Furthermore, AE reports that a first mobile test setup for mapping has been set up for field tests. It currently consists of an Nvidia Jetson TX2 mounted on an AUVIDEA carrier board, the Ueye UI-5140CP-M-GL Rev.2 as camera for tracking and the compact “Ellipse-N” from SBG Systems.  The system set up in this way can easily be strapped under a small quadrocopter with a maximum take-off weight of 3 kilograms for initial tests and to collect initial data.

Step by step, our LiDAR, a Hokuyo-UTM 30 LX and the new camera system will be integrated into the test setup.

Posted in Hardware, VaMEx-AE.